Mon – Sat: 10am - 6pm
| Sunday: Closed

Retinal Imaging OCT

Chelsea Eye Centre is now offering cutting edge technology to improve our understanding of your eyes and visual needs

Using a Topcon state-of-the-art 3D OCT camera, your optometrist will take both a digital photograph and a three dimensional cross sectional scan of the back of your eye in one sitting. OCT produces a 3D image of the layers of your retina, enabling us to detect and monitor any abnormalities and potentially sight-threatening problems much earlier,ensuring early referral for treatment.

The health of your eyes is important, which is why we are offering OCT to all our patients.

The scan is non-invasive, painless, simple and quick. OCT uses light waves to illustrate the different layers of the back of the eye (retina). The software can automatically detect even the most subtle changes to the retina with every eye test, giving an invaluable ongoing record of the health and condition of your eyes.


Common conditions identified through regular OCT screening include: OCT-300x257

1) AGE- RELATED MACULAR DEGENERATION– causes the gradual breakdown of the macula and gradual loss of central vision. This is most common in people over the age of fifty. OCT identifies the type of macular degeneration – wet or dry – and also monitors its progress.

2) DIABETES –diabetic retinopathy is a major cause of visual impairment in adults.An OCT scan allows us to see through the layers of the retina to detect the condition earlier than a retinal photography, which improves the success rate of treatment.

3) GLAUCOMA – damages the optic nerve at the point where it leaves the eye.Glaucoma is a sight-threatening disease that gives you no warning until irreversible damage has been caused. If detected early it is easily treated. The OCT scan can detect very early signs of glaucoma, allowing us to promptly treat the condition.

4) MACULAR HOLES – a macular hole is a small hole in the macular – the part of the retina which is responsible for our sharp, detailed, central vision. There are many causes of macular holes. One is vitreous detachment or exposure to intense sunlight, e.g. starring at the sun during an eclipse.

5) VITREOUS DETATCHMENT – vitreous traction can clearly be diagnosed with OCT showing the current relationship between the vitreous and the retinal surface of the eye. As you get older the vitreous becomes detached from the retina, but in some cases parts do not detach, causing a pull on the retinal surface.

There is no pain or change in sight, but the back of the eye may be damaged.

For more information about OCT scans or to book an appointment please give our friendly team a call on 0207 351 3847 and they will be happy to help.